Introducing Adorable Caio Brum

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Good morning my lovelies! I hope the weekend is treating you well. I have a very sexy young man to share with you today, so if you're recovering from a heavy night or just having crappy day then this gorgeous model should put a smile on your face.

And yes, before you ask, I did get out there to see if there were any nude shoots. Unfortunately he hasn't done a whole lot yet, but after seeing him in a couple of shoots and getting some photos together for this post I'm left with the feeling that he's just starting out, and he's probably going to be very popular very soon!

I don't normally go for the more "twinky" guys, but Caio Brum is adorable on a level a lot of other twinks aren't. He's so good looking it's almost ridiculous, and when combined with that ever-so-slightly toned body he makes a delicious package of yummyness (I know that's not a word, deal with it and move on lol) I can't imagine any of you guys out there would be able to refuse.

There are a couple of shoots I've combined here, but I think photographer Ricardo Nogueira is responsible for both. I don't know if I prefer this young man with or without the facial hair... what do you guys think?

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, relax and have a chilled out time. Or don't, go rock climbing or para-gliding, I'm not your dad. :)


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9 years ago

The color of his eyes are amazing & they didn’t capture that to well.. Beautiful guy

Reko Herrero
Reko Herrero
9 years ago

I did have a great weekend. And, I did have a hangover. This guy definitely put a smile to my face. Thanks again for the great post.

joseph moureau
joseph moureau
9 years ago

I’m KO Caio , and thanks for this postage! we live you

joseph moureau
joseph moureau
9 years ago

we love you, sorry

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