Instagram Hotness

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Okay, so you guys know that we like to mix things up a little on here from time to time, and you probably know that there's GBB social media accounts out there for you guys to follow too. Of course we have the buttons dotted around the place for you to share some pics and posts with your nearest and dearest (or people you just happen to know exist out there somewhere!)

Well, we would like to draw your attention to the new Gay Body Blog Instagram account!

I'm going that by sharing some hotties that I have found on there, shared by other users. I hope this might get your interest and have you clicking through to check things out and follow the blog.

The plan is that we'll be sharing some of the hot hunks we post on the blog over on the Instagram account, and if you're on there you can follow and stay up to date with what's going on here too. When you see something you like you know to stop by and get a little more of the hotness ;)

Now, I have to be honest with you, I'm totally new to Instagram, but I'm learning fast. It took me more than an hour yesterday just to figure out how to get a pic from the blog on there, but I did it with much cursing and eventually got into the swing of things.

So, check out some of my finds from there today and click through to check us out on your mobile devices and so on! ;)

Man, I sound like such a Luddite sometimes lol

Instagram Hotness 1

Instagram Hotness 2

Instagram Hotness 3

Instagram Hotness 4

Instagram Hotness 5

Instagram Hotness 6

Instagram Hotness 7

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10 years ago

Cool! I have just added it. Now post one of hottie Justin (Leonard) who you just featured a few days ago. He still has me drooling…. And I discovered he is from my home state of Michigan! Nothing like a good Midwestern American!

Robert Leck
Robert Leck
10 years ago

HI!!!! CUTIES!!!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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