Insanely Hot Christian Hogue Showing Off His Amazing Body

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The world needs more of handsome hunk Christian Hogue. I have a list of guys I regularly get out there and search for, just to see if they've done anything new and sexy since the last time we saw them, and Christian Hogue is in the top five on that list. This guy has everything going on, but I think everyone reading this will agree. He's so ridiculously good-looking, so fit, so sexy, he has an amazing body that's just muscled enough and not over the top, and he has a great cock bulge that we would all pay a hefty fee to get a good look at too :) I'm not sure that's ever gonna happen, but we live in hope. He does seem to be the kind of free spirited guy who would get it all out for the right photographer and the right project, and that's absolutely something we would support. I don't know who the photographer is in this instance, but whoever is responsible for these gorgeous photos they deserve our thanks, and our pleas that he get him back for another shoot very soon. Let me know what you guys think of him in the comments below, do you want to see more of the guy? Should he be in my top five? insanely-hot-christian-hogue-showing-off-his-amazing-body-1 insanely-hot-christian-hogue-showing-off-his-amazing-body-2 insanely-hot-christian-hogue-showing-off-his-amazing-body-3 insanely-hot-christian-hogue-showing-off-his-amazing-body-4 insanely-hot-christian-hogue-showing-off-his-amazing-body-5 insanely-hot-christian-hogue-showing-off-his-amazing-body-6 insanely-hot-christian-hogue-showing-off-his-amazing-body-7 insanely-hot-christian-hogue-showing-off-his-amazing-body-8

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