Insanely Handsome Felipe Martins By Antonio Bezerra
A reader alerted me to Felipe Martins once again and I realized that it's been far too long since we last saw this absolutely gorgeous guy on the Gay Body Blog. I called him ridiculously handsome the first time, I'm escalating that to insanely handsome this time.
You know, there are some guys out there who are just so good looking it's almost impossible for me to impress upon you just how amazing I think they are, and Felipe Martins is one perfect example of that.
This guy isn't just sexy, he isn't just good looking, he isn't just another handsome male model with everything in the right place and to the right proportions... he's so drop-dead stunning that there are no adequate words to properly explain how I feel about him.
Now I've gushed enough over him (nice little visual there lol) enjoy these photos by Antonio Bezerra and make sure you leave a comment at the bottom of this post to show your appreciation for him too. I know I'm not the only one who sees that handsome face and totally hot body and starts instantly having very dirty thoughts! lol

I love when the guy gives different expressions and looks great at as he does. HOT!!
He actually smiles. *melts*
Very hot cute smile and perfectly fit body for my taste.