Inked Young Hottie Maximillian Silberman by Rick Day

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I don't know how he does it, but Rick Day always manages to find the most gorgeous young models with something a little bit extra. He's a master at creating some amazing images of some truly gorgeous guys, and always with an eye for what gets gay guys like me horny and interested in the model!

Maximillian Silberman is one of those male models you'd see in an ad or a feature and immediately feel something. I don't think it would be possible for a gay guy to see this hot and hunky young man in something and not feel a pang of heartache that he isn't beside you. Or am I just apeaking for myself here? lol

Okay, you guys know I'm a sucker for a young man with some muscle and some ink, but Maximillian Silberman has something else that I just can't put my finger on. It might be his flawlessly handsome face, or his sexy eyes. Maybe he shows a lot of attitude in his pics?

Whatever it is, I'm hooked.

Knowing the kind of work Rick Day is capable of, I'm truly hoping that this young man teams up with him again to do one of those really sexy and seductive shoots. You know what I mean!

Maximillian Silberman by Rick Day (1)

Maximillian Silberman by Rick Day (2)

Maximillian Silberman by Rick Day (3)

Maximillian Silberman by Rick Day (4)

Maximillian Silberman by Rick Day (5)

Maximillian Silberman by Rick Day (6)

Maximillian Silberman by Rick Day (7)

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13 years ago

Wow!! He is very good looking love his eyes!

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