Inked Muscle Hunk Adam Von Rothfelder

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I'm starting to think I have an unhealthy adoration for Rick Day.

I know some of you will probably think this inked muscle hunk is a little too decorated, and I'm willing to take that from you guys. In all honesty, I don't care, it's all about the muscled body for me. Adam Von Rothfelder is very handsome, and he does have a hot bod, I don't think any of you could deny that. The only debate will be over all those tattoos. lol

So I guess it's pretty obvious from the style of the images that these are by legendary photographer Rick Day, he has that very specific style to his shoots, and although I think he's been moving in another direction recently I do love the format of these.

The best part about his style has to be the contrast of light and shadow. It makes the guys seem more vibrant and defined in my opinion.

And the best part about this inked muscle hunk? For me I think it's either those immense abs, or those muscles on his hips (sorry, I have no idea what they are called, I'm so lame!)

I'm also willing to admit that I thought I'd shared Adam Von Rothfelder here already, but a little searching tells me I hadn't. Oops, my bad ;)

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12 years ago

TATS? I don`t see any tats!! LOL All I see a handsome hot MAN! 🙂

12 years ago

i ♥ adam!

he’s also an mma fighter! and he’s done some ab machine infomercial. i’m pretty sure those hip muscles are the obliques. often referred to as the “belt of Apollo.”

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