Inked Bad Boy Lewis Grant

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I know before I even get to the photos that Lewis Grant is going to be a "marmite" model - you'll either love him or not. Personally, while I know that this post is likely to get some harsh words from those who hate tattoos and those who hate smokers, I think the guy is hot as hell and his whole image of the bad boy from the 1950's is sexy. So there, I don't care if you don't like him, I do! lol

My love of the bad boy image is something a lot of other guys like too, I know that. There's something so sexy about the danger and the attitude guys like this have. Of course, it doesn't mean that just because he has some ink he's always getting into trouble, but there is a certain lifestyle that comes to mind when you see a guy like him.

You know I enjoy male models who do something different or go against the grain of what we "expect" beauty to be, and he's most definitely one of those male models who challenges the accepted perception. That has gained him a considerable fan base over the last couple of years too, it seems.

Inked Bad Boy Lewis Grant (2)

Inked Bad Boy Lewis Grant (3)

Inked Bad Boy Lewis Grant (4)

Inked Bad Boy Lewis Grant (5)

Inked Bad Boy Lewis Grant (6)

Inked Bad Boy Lewis Grant (7)

Inked Bad Boy Lewis Grant (8)

Inked Bad Boy Lewis Grant (9)

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11 years ago

I found your comment ” … of course, it doesn’t mean that just because he has some ink, he’s always getting into trouble” interesting.

I have observed the exact opposite. The very decision to engage in self mutilation often indicates that personality is into a lot of other self-destructive and anti-social behaviors such as: 1) smoking, 2) excessive alcohol use; 3) use of recreational drugs; 4) irresponsible driving (reckless, even if not necessarily drunk); limited or lazy vocabulary (profanity every fourth or fifth word, even in casual conversation); and, sexual promiscuity.

I am not saying if a person gets a tattoo, they end up doing all these things but I find that they are far more likely to be engaging in a number of them than those persons who are not into self-mutilation.

And, perhaps you and other readers do find some or all of these traits “sexy”. If so, great. I have always, do now and will always find them repulsive. End of story.

11 years ago

I know this guy in real life, old housemate – sweet as hell, really nice guy (and sexy as fuck)

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