Incredible Muscle – Vernon Brown

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You know what they say about guys with big feet? Yeah, they leave big foot prints. lol

It might seem a little frivolous to start a post featuring this hunk by talking about the size of his feet, but they are size 14! I have pretty big feet myself, and yes, the correlation is true! lol

Of course, the real reason I'm offering you some pics of this incredible muscle hunk is because he's both gorgeous and incredibly well built. He made a big entrance (stop giggling!) to the male modeling world last year and although he's just starting out images like these have definitely put him on the right path and got all the right guys interested. I don't know how much work he's done since then, but this 28 year old from Virginia is certainly not shy when it comes to showing off in front of the cameras.

I love these shoots where the guy isn't scared to show a lot of flesh, especially when the flesh is so intensely hot. He has an incredible body, and photographer Rick Day really does a great job of presenting the guy.

Of course, my favorite pic has to be the wet one at the end of the set. Just gorgeous!

Male Model Vernon Brown Male Model Vernon Brown Male Model Vernon Brown Male Model Vernon Brown Male Model Vernon Brown Male Model Vernon Brown Male Model Vernon Brown Male Model Vernon Brown Male Model Vernon Brown

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13 years ago

Probably the most “statuesque” body on the market. These never ending legs. Am 6’2″ and this photo makes me want stretching everything starting my 11shoes 🙂

13 years ago

we do not see people of color enough, on many Blogs….

this is not a racial thing for me cause my ethnicty is “MUTT”..I must have 25 different countries that flow through MY blood….so it is nice to see a man & this is a beautiful man of color


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