Incredible Hunks By Stanly – A Perfect Pack Of Hotties For A Sunday

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We've seen some truly great shoots by photographer Stanly over the last couple of years, but I know there's a lot more that we should have featured on the Gay Body Blog. I was out there snooping around this morning when I found a pretty big collection of photos, with random handsome hunks showing off their incredible bodies for the photographer, so of course I had to get some of those pics on here for you guys to enjoy too! You might recognize some of these incredible men. I know we've had a few of them on the blog in the past. If you feel like naming some of them then by all means leave a comment below. You should do that anyway, just to let me and the other readers know what you think of these guys. Do you have a fave? I can usually pick one hunk out of the pack to adore and drool over specifically, but in this instance there's just too much manly goodness for me to focus on just one. I have to confess though, the underwear bulge shots are far more interesting to me than many of the others. I guess this shoot could have been a nude post, kind of, but as there's really no cock on display I thought I could get away with it being a regular one :) Let me know what you think, leave a comment, hit that thumbs-up button, share these gorgeous men around out there when you get the chance. Most importantly, have a gorgeous Sunday and I'll see you back here tomorrow to hopefully make your Monday a little less stressful. incredible-hunks-by-stanly-a-perfect-pack-of-hotties-for-a-sunday-1 incredible-hunks-by-stanly-a-perfect-pack-of-hotties-for-a-sunday-2 incredible-hunks-by-stanly-a-perfect-pack-of-hotties-for-a-sunday-3 incredible-hunks-by-stanly-a-perfect-pack-of-hotties-for-a-sunday-4 incredible-hunks-by-stanly-a-perfect-pack-of-hotties-for-a-sunday-5 incredible-hunks-by-stanly-a-perfect-pack-of-hotties-for-a-sunday-6 incredible-hunks-by-stanly-a-perfect-pack-of-hotties-for-a-sunday-7 incredible-hunks-by-stanly-a-perfect-pack-of-hotties-for-a-sunday-8 incredible-hunks-by-stanly-a-perfect-pack-of-hotties-for-a-sunday-9 incredible-hunks-by-stanly-a-perfect-pack-of-hotties-for-a-sunday-10 incredible-hunks-by-stanly-a-perfect-pack-of-hotties-for-a-sunday-11 incredible-hunks-by-stanly-a-perfect-pack-of-hotties-for-a-sunday-12 incredible-hunks-by-stanly-a-perfect-pack-of-hotties-for-a-sunday-13 incredible-hunks-by-stanly-a-perfect-pack-of-hotties-for-a-sunday-14

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Kevin Yan
Kevin Yan
8 years ago

If you took time to caressing those bodies with your eyes, you will know how amazing they are. The 9th one is the perfect under my standard

Miklos Prisznyak
8 years ago

Damn, they are perfect.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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