Incredible British Hunk Daniel Shoneye Reveals All

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How have we managed to enjoy so many incredible hunks on the Gay Body Blog without seeing British muscle stud Daniel Shoneye before today? I don't know, but I'm partially blaming some of you who no doubt knew about him but just didn't tell me lol He's a British physique model who isn't at all shy about revealing absolutely everything. I think he might also happen to be gay, too. He's been in a lot of amazing mainstream shoots showing off his incredible definition, and a lot of great underwear shoots displaying his impressive bulges too, but we're definitely more interested in the full-frontal shots. There are a lot of pics of him out there showing it all off, but some of the images are a little gratuitous. I guess we should be used to that in a world where millions of guys haul out their junk to show off on the Internet all the time. But, there are some great shoots with great photographers, guys like Kofi Paintsil. This series of photos really impressed me, and not just because of Daniel Shoneye revealing so much. I love the use of light and the color palette. Let me know what you guys think in the comments, do you want to see more of this handsome hunk and his amazing body? Should I look for more of Kofi Paintsil's work to see what other handsome men he's photographed? male model Daniel Shoneye naked male model Daniel Shoneye butt male model Daniel Shoneye full frontal muscled male model Daniel Shoneye british muscle model Daniel Shoneye muscled man Daniel Shoneye naked male model Daniel Shoneye Daniel Shoneye naked sexy male model Daniel Shoneye naked

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6 years ago

Now, that is a man!

6 years ago

Very sexy men thank u

3 years ago

Wonderful black men

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