In The Sun With Oiled Up Hotties

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Happy Saturday everyone! Check out some sexy photos of Barrett P. and Pietro B enjoying the sun!

I hope your weekend is going lovely, mine is. I went out for a drink last night and hooked up with a very nice young man, today I'm going down to the lake to enjoy a beer out in the sun with some friends, then tomorrow I have BBQ to go to with someone I haven't hung out with for about six months (I missed him so much too).

The sun is lovely right now, and I hope it stays that way.

Keeping in theme and looking forward to many more days in the sun the next few months I have a very sexy shoot featuring a couple of very hot men showing off their oiled and tanned bodies for you to enjoy. It's a shoot for Charlie by Matthew Zink, and we know they always put out sexy shoots.

Barrett P. and Pietro B are a couple of buddies enjoying the sun and topping up their tans in this rather sexy shoot, and don't you just want to squeeze yourself in between them both? I don't care if I get oil on me, or fake tan (ooh, bitchy) it would be a good sacrifice to make for the chance to be between these two :)

If it's sunny there and you haven't enjoyed it yet, get off your butt and go outside.

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