In The Shower With Carlos Effort

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Good morning guys.

Well, hasn't it been a crazy week so far. And we're only two days into it. I keep seeing that quote: "May you live in interesting times". To be honest, this is all a little too interesting for my taste.

Anyway, I guess there's not much to do other than try to enjoy a little distraction from the crazy where we can, and I think this hot and sexy shower shoot with handsome muscled stud Carlos Effort is going to achieve that, for a little while at least.

We've never seen him on the blog before and I'm not sure why. After checking out this shoot by Flamengo Photo I think I'm going to be seeking out more of him.

It's probably not too surprising that he's an adult performer. While we do occasionally see really interesting naked shoots from mainstream models it does seem to me that most who do have at least one foot in the adult business.

Carlos is from Málaga, Spain, and having met a lot of Spanish men over the years I can confirm that they apparently have a disproportionately large number of hotties in the country :)

If I could I might be considering a short break there right about now lol

Enjoy him, let him distract you a little from current events, leave a comment and hit that thumbs-up button.

Most importantly, have a good Tuesday.

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4 years ago

Beautiful man.

4 years ago

Pour une douche avec toi
je ferais n’importe quoi,
pour une douche dans tes bras
une savonnée avec tes doigts…. Pardon Michel Delpech pour le plagiat , mais avec le confinement comment ne pas rêver à quelqu’un qui vous savonnerait le dos (et l’eau et le savon sont des barrières naturelles contre le virus, non ?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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