In The Country With Elieser Ambrosio

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What is it about the men out in the country that does it for us? Come on guys, I know I'm not alone in this. I think the idea of getting it on with a cowboy or a farm hand has to be right up there with men in uniforms. But I don't know where it comes from either, or at least I don't know where my little fascination with them started.

I think it must be all about that masculinity thing, the idea that these guys might be down with kicking back and enjoying some manly attention without thinking about it too much. Or, maybe I'm just thinking about that with a post-Brokeback mentality?! lol

Anyway, here is the handsome and muscled hunk Elieser Ambrosio showing off out on the ranch, or something like that. I guess it's about the setting and the sexuality of it, and I have to admit that it definitely does something for me.

The shoot is for Revista Paparazzo, and I think there are a lot more pics to go with these out there. Maybe I'll get some more together for you guys, let me know if you want to see some more of him in this shoot and I'll see what I can dig up ;)

In The Country With Elieser Ambrosio (1)

In The Country With Elieser Ambrosio (2)

In The Country With Elieser Ambrosio (3)

In The Country With Elieser Ambrosio (4)

In The Country With Elieser Ambrosio (5)

In The Country With Elieser Ambrosio (6)

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11 years ago

WOW!! Stud!!

11 years ago

I’m from Brazil and Eliezer was on Big Brother a couple years ago. He IS gourgeous but he is the type of guy you can not let open his mouth. He is only good for a good fuck, and that’s it.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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