In Bed With Mario Adrion

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It's no secret that I love the work of legendary photographer Rick Day. I have no idea how many shoots we've seen on the Gay Body Blog from him over the years, but they never sease to amaze me in their simple beauty. When it comes to photos of gorgeous guys showing off their amazing bodies you can't go wrong with him.

Check out this new shoot with handsome and buff young Mario Adrion, someone I guess we would call a twunk?

I'm still not down with all the terminology, but I guess someone here will tell me in the comments if I'm wrong lol

This young man is a German hottie with a really great body and a nice bulge to show off too, although I can already guess that you'd all want to see him wearing nothing at all. He definitely looks confident enough to be able to do that, and you know European guys are generally more willing to show off more flesh too :)

I'll be looking forward to seeing more of him after this, in fact I might get out there now and see if there's another shoot with this young man I can share on here tomorrow.

Let me know what you guys think of him in the comments, and don't forget to give him a thumbs-up at the bottom of the post too!

Have a great Friday night guys.

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2 years ago

Please photoshoot fully naked u r so hott

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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