In Bed With Allen Lovell

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So after the post yesterday of the gorgeous Allen Lovell, I decided that we hadn't had enough of him and we deserved to see some more. After a little searching I managed to find another shoot of the gorgeous young man showing off a little flesh for photographer Thomas Synnamon - another one of our favorite photographers - and decided they would make a perfect post for you guys today.

I know a lot of you will probably be chilling out for your Sunday, and possibly staying in bed for most of the day and recovering from a night out, so if that is you then you might want to see these images and imagine what it would be like to spend a lazy Sunday morning in bed with this handsome hunk ;)

Just as Rick Day is known for his sporty themed high contrast images of hunks, Thomas is pretty well known for his almost purist style of handsome men on white sheets. His photos are so clean and crisp, but they're so sexy that you kind of make them dirty in your own mind - or at least I do! lol

Chill out, relax, and enjoy. Maybe have a little daydream about what you would do with the handsome Allen Lovell in your bed too.

In Bed With Allen Lovell (1)

In Bed With Allen Lovell (2)

In Bed With Allen Lovell (3)

In Bed With Allen Lovell (4)

In Bed With Allen Lovell (5)

In Bed With Allen Lovell (6)

In Bed With Allen Lovell (7)

In Bed With Allen Lovell (8)

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11 years ago

Sorry, he does nothing for me but, hey, to each his own.

11 years ago

Oh man..this guy has great hair…I can start there..very sexy

11 years ago

I really like this pics! Great body! But can you please repost the pics with greater detail than 550px width? Thanx!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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