I’m In Love With The Dream-like Nudes Of Jose Michelsen
Okay guys, it's time for a little more culture on the blog and as I'm spending the day mostly painting I needed to get a little inspiration before putting anything on canvas. I just discovered the dream-like nudes of Jose Michelsen and I think I'm in love.
While I know that some of you might not be particularly "arty" please take it from me that these paintings are something special. I'm not going to get into all the technicalities, because I'm not an art teacher, but everything about these paintings does it for me.
The composition, the colors, the implied sensuality and the subtlety all hit the right buttons and I can imagine having some of these on my walls.
The artist is based in Bogotá, Colombia, and he's exhibited around the world. That should give you a good idea of how awesome a lot of people think his work is.
Enjoy these paintings at your leisure while I go and stare at a blank canvas for a while and try my hardest not to be derivative. It's real difficult when you see work like this and just want to see it on your own wall :)
Have a lovely Sunday!

A talented painter to be sure, but there’s a little too much flesh eating going on for my taste.
a great artist , and models !
Esta obra se parece a la del pintor Colombiano LUIS CABALLERO