I’m All About The Big Cocks Today

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Being a guy who generally works from home the majority of the time I did something I don't often get the opportunity to do this morning, I got on a train. It wasn't a long journey, just one of those regular meetings people like me have to go to now and then to prove to our colleagues we still exist :) I got to my destination with plenty of time to spare and headed straight to the men's room (because who wants to take a piss on a train, right?) That's where I encountered an impressive cock. No, I wasn't cruising, or whatever it's called these days. I just went to the crowded urinals and took the only one available, and I just happened to notice that the builder standing right next to me had a long, thick, uncut cock in his hand. Come on guys, everyone checks out the competition at the urinals. I have no doubt at all he was checking out my cock, and probably without even thinking much about it, sadly. In comparison to his mine is nice but inconsequential. His was a long, very thick, perfectly pink and hooded snake that I would have loved to have played with given the chance. So, I spent the meeting and the drinks after thinking that I would get some big cocks here on the blog for you guys this morning, I hope you don't mind. Let me know in the comments if you have any faves in this gang of generously proportioned men, no doubt you recognize a couple of them - you should if you've seen any quality gay porn over the last five years :)  

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Mistress Borghese
Mistress Borghese
8 years ago

I’d gladly get on my knees for any of these guys, but that first one!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 year ago

Yes, I am all about big cocks too anyone up for some head

Reply to  Fuzzyhunk
9 months ago

nice cock like it and is it uncut

Reply to  Fuzzyhunk
8 months ago

Beautiful bone, man – 8 inches? – love the vein & cap.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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