I’ll Take Any Opportunity To Admire Kirill Dowidoff
Whenever I see a new collection of pics of handsome hunk Kirill Dowidoff I know I need to get them on the Gay Body Blog as soon as possible. This amazing stud is one of our favorites, and I think we all know why.
We're still waiting for more of the handsome hunk naked and showing everything off, but I think we're okay with just seeing him showing his muscles and looking damn fine with another big muscled dude, at least for the time being.
I don't know who the other man is, but I know we're all jealous of him.
Obviously it's a shoot for Maskulo, a brand Kirill Dowidoff seems to be modeling for pretty regularly these days. He's well suited to the brand too. He's got a perfect look and a great build for their gear and he really does it justice.
You have to admit, if you walked into a club and you saw that huge and handsome stud wearing some of their gear you would be a little infatuated with him.
Check him out, and keep everything crossed that we might see him showing off a lot more for them in the future. We definitely want to see some dick pics, right guys?
Have a great Monday!

Ever the awesome stud! thanks for this!
Share your lust for this fellow. But, the facial hair has to go.
This is NOT the Planet of the Apes (yet). Thank, God.