Igor Kolomiyets Needs A Spanking

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Happy Monday guys! I started work this morning with a mountain of paperwork to get through and I was feeling a little stressed out about it, then I found an email from a buddy of mine sharing these photos of gorgeous young male model Igor Kolomiyets and everything was suddenly a lot better. I hope I can do that for you if you're having a stressful start to your week.

Check out this handsome young man and rest assured that I'm going to be paying a lot of attention to what this hottie does next after seeing this deliciously tempting shoot by Jared Bautista.

He's not just cute, Igor Kolomiyets is what I would call beautiful. Yeah, I went there! He's so good looking, and he has that incredibly sexy look of the sporty older teen not quite a twink and not quite a jock.

The pic of him flashing that smooth butt and looking like he's waiting for a spanking might be the best one out of all of them :)

I don't know what it is about guys like him, but I think it has something to do with knowing guys like him when I was that age and also knowing they were pretty much walking boners lol

It's a really nice shoot with some great images, but we definitely want more flesh in the next one, right guys?

Let me know what you guys think in the comments below. Give him a thumbs up if you want to see more of him. Don't forget to share this post around!

Have a great Monday :)

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