Idolizing Alex Minsky

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This is not the first time we have shared the interesting and hunky Alex Minsky on the Gay Body Blog, and it will certainly not be the last either. This fascinating model is one of my all-time faves, and not just because he's so different to what we might be used to.

It's no secret that I have always been into the different and daring, the unique and creative, and this handsome guy embodies that, and so much more too.

While some might hate seeing so much ink on a guy, Alex Minsky has done it right, with imagination and detail, with originality and style. He's a handsome guy with a great body, and of course he's had to fight much harder than most to get the career he now has.

Not only is he a guy to adore and lust after, he's a man to admire and appreciate in so many ways, and it seems as though it's almost impossible to take a bad photo of this guy.

He might have a completely different look the majority of men who make it male modeling, but he's forging a path that takes this business in a whole new direction too. That's something to certainly appreciate and admire.

Man, I would so do him! ;)


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10 years ago

Sorry. The tats are just disfiguring. Yuk.

Jay Thibeault
Jay Thibeault
4 years ago

There is something just wrong about the previous comment. This man’s tat’s are part of the story he is sharing with us. A long painful journey. An incredible man, hero and inspiration. True beauty inside and out.

Reply to  Jay Thibeault
2 years ago

I agree. The “ew, gross tats” trolls are getting rather tedious. Those tattoos are his armor defending him in all the battles he has faced. I, of course, don’t know anything about this man, but he is beautiful in all his perfections and imperfections.

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