I’d Spend Time On The Ranch With Sexy Cowboy Maximilian Gabin Any Day

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I know I've said this before but some of you might be new here... being a Brit I have my stereotypical notions about America and when it comes to hot guys I definitely have the same interests as a lot of other gay British guys.

By that I mean I love frat boys, college wrestlers and - of course - COWBOYS!

We don't have these three groups of homoerotic hotness here in the UK so I guess the interest stems from American porn and erotic stories over the decades, but even though I say that it seems American guys have the same kind of interests.

I am certain that a lot of you are really going to enjoy these photos of male model Maximilian Gabin looking hot in this country boy themed shoot by photographer Ilya Karvat.

This is the first time we've seen the young man here at Gay Body Blog but you can probably guess I'm gonna be looking for more of him.

Isn't he gorgeous? He's got that great combination of innocent twinky looks with a very slightly athletic build, and a stunning butt we would all love to see a lot more of.

He's obviously not shy, which makes me wonder what other shoots there might be of him out there, and what we might see in the future.

Enjoy these lovely pics and leave a comment at the bottom. Hit that thumbs up button and share the post with your friends and followers too!

Have a great Wednesday :)

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4 years ago

A bit thin for my taste but this against the grain, self mutilation-free twink deserves a thumbs up.

Robert Hensley
Robert Hensley
3 years ago

I was raised on a ranch. No.

3 years ago

This site is a waste of space.

3 years ago

Bel étalon à la recherche d’un canasson …tant qu’il lui reste la chaise car si il la perd…

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