I’d Go Cruising In The Woods To Find Andrés Gaspar

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Happy Valentine's Day!

I'll be honest, I almost forgot what day it is.

I hope you're enjoying your weekend. I actually spent the evening in the garden last night, with a little fire burning in the pit and a bottle of Jack's to finish off. It was quite nice to sit under the stars and enjoy the fire even though it's still cold enough here to freeze your nips off!

I'm still desperate for summer, though.

Shoots like this sexy offering starring handsome and buff Andrés Gaspar only make me more desperate for the warmer months, and the freedom brought about by vaccination of the masses!

Seriously, I can't wait to get out there and start encountering other men again, and this shoot by photographer Adrián C. Martín (one of our all time faves) really has me thinking about cruising and all the experiences I've missed out on.

This handsome hunk has been on the blog a couple of times already and you all seem to enjoy him as much as I do. It's easy to see why, he's handsome and buff and he's clearly packing a lot of cock in those briefs.

None of you would mind encountering him on a dirt track through the woods, would you?

Enjoy, leave a comment and hit that thumbs up button. Most importantly, have a glorious Sunday.

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Robert Hensley
Robert Hensley
4 years ago

Awesome ass.

4 years ago

Yeah, muscular and so fuckable ass

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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