I’d Gladly Get Wild With Matheus Martins

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You only need to look at Matheus Martins for a brief moment to be able to predict that he loves the beach and the sun on his skin. He's just got that surfer look about him, doesn't he?

He's a model, actor and artist, although I don't know where he's from I think he's somewhere in South America.

As you can see from these very sexy images by photographer Thiago Martini he's a ripped and lean dude who does a lot of cardio. He's also a confident guy who seems to know what he's got, and doesn't mind being a bit of a tease with it, too.

I think he's straight, but he clearly likes playing for the camera and he knows his audience isn't just female :)

We're more than happy to admire him in these photos!

I know some of you might not be into the long haired look, but I still think it works with some guys. It definitely works for him, and with that beardy scruff too it just adds to the effect.

I really like him, I think I might have to look around for more out there and see what I can find. I'm wondering if he's done any nude shoots. I think men from South America are generally more easygoing and open to nude photography like that, aren't they? I think there might be something to that stereotype of the passionate and sensual Latino man.

Let me know what you guys think in the comments, hit that thumbs-up button and share the post. Most important of all, of course, have a great Friday :)

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4 years ago

Definitely thumbs down. Gender fluid is most certainly and always a zero, if not worse.

4 years ago

Gorgeous man.

4 years ago

There’s nothing attractive about THAT. Time to donate that overgrown mess to the Ronald McDonald Foundation, the only place for that stuff; AND get a shave…civilization lurks ahead.

4 years ago

Corona haircut?

4 years ago

Handsome guy. But that hair is just silly. It should have stayed where it belongs… on the cover of a 1990’s romance novel.

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