I’d Be Down For Camping With Ty Mitchell Or Dante Colle!

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Maybe I'm just a bad gay and I'm doing it wrong, but I have to confess that I love camping. I don't mean "glamping", I mean proper camping. That's why I was real interested in this new video over at MEN.com.

Okay, it's not only that, it's also because it's starring two of their hottest guys, in my opinion.

Ty Mitchell and Dante Colle are the hotties spending some time out in the woods with their respective boyfriends, but things are quickly taking a turn for the interesting.

Dante is having a rough time of it, he's the only one pulling his weight and he's pissed that the most the other guys seem able to do is look for fire wood. But, it at least gives him the chance to spend some time doing what all camping men love to do - jack off in a tent!

Ty is in the right place at the right time, catching the horny bator going to town on his cock and getting his own dick out to stroke along. Caught in the act he's invited to join in, an invitation not a single one of you would turn down!

With some friendly jacking, licking and sucking Dante is soon being offered that hot piece of ass to fuck, and he slides right in :)

I love videos like this, and not just because of the guys and the theme. They actually put effort into their videos and it's not all shot in a little cardboard set in a warehouse like so many other studios these days.

Check out some pics and leave a comment, let me know if you love the great outdoors like me!

Click through for the video.

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