I Wouldn’t Argue – With Peter Argue!

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First of all, what an interesting name!

Second, what a gorgeous hunky muscled daddy!

I think it's probably right to describe Peter Argue as a muscled daddy, right? I mean, he's not exactly a teenager. But that's by no means a disparaging remark, I love hunky men with some maturity and a body like this handsome guy. In fact, put a guy like this and a young smooth and buff American jock in front of me and I would choose this handsome guy any day of the week.

Choose for what? You might ask... do I really need to share the intensity of my sexual desires when I see a gorgeous guy like this? lol

Come on guys, I know I'm definitely not alone here, plenty of you are looking at this handsome hunk and thinking what it would be like to spend an evening in his company. Or better still, an entire night... a long, hot, steamy night.

Right, that's it, I think I need to get out there this evening and look for some company. Checking out gorgeous dudes like this on the net when you're not getting any is not good for ones health.

Enjoy his sexy pics, which were shot by the talented Patricia Recourt.

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10 years ago

Daddy!! wow, he is he hot!! 🙂

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