I Would Love To Lock Down With Pietro Boselli

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I guess we all knew it was coming. Photographers who had a good shoot to deliver before the world went mental are now rebranding their shoots to release them as relevant to our current predicament, and while it might not make sense in every scenario I'm not complaining when those shoots feature men like Pietro Boselli.

It should go without saying that we absolutely adore this man. I don't think I've encountered a single adult who doesn't agree that this guy is insanely gorgeous.

We've featured him here at Gay Body blog countless times and I will never stop sharing photos of him whenever I see a new shoot.

This time we have to thank Ollie Ali for delivering this sexy smattering of hotness for us all to ogle, and I think I speak for all when I say we'll definitely spend some time appreciating the effort.

He's looking so damn good and even though I think the title "LOCKDOWN WORKOUT" is a bit opportunistic I'll let it pass, this time lol

Enjoy his hotness, leave a comment, hit that thumbs-up button and share the post with your friends and followers, you know they'd want to see him too.

Enjoy your Saturday!

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4 years ago

Saw the video on Youtube, He sure is one mancandy…

4 years ago

He’s my #1…anyone else is WAY down the list!

4 years ago

Well, gods give to Pietro B. all. Body, face and what is most important BRAIN, he is Ph.D. so he is able to reach divine harmony…and now he has to be most careful not to angry gods and to lose all… That is gods damnation.

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