I Wonder How Lazy Pool Boy Decided On His Name

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Happy Thursday!

I hope you're having a lovely day, but even if you are seeing this handsome hunk of deliciousness is definitely going to make it better.

He goes by the title of Lazy Pool Boy, and I'm not entirely sure how that came to be. Maybe it's because he loves hanging out in the sun by the pool, or maybe it was his job once and he wasn't very good at it? I have no idea, but I do know that this sexy hunk looks amazing and deserves to be appreciated.

You guys know I like natural guys with a little fur, and this guy hits all the right buttons for me. He's so handsome, he's built and buff, he's bearded, and he's very sexy with it.

He's not technically a male model even though he could be, he just likes to take selfies and show off that hot bod on the internet.

Enjoy some pics of the handsome hunk and excuse me while I go and fantasize about being Lazy Pool Boy's assistant pool boy. Everyone needs a sidekick, right?

Leave a comment below and hit the thumbs-up button. Most importantly, I hope you have a lovely Thursday, whether you're lounging by a pool or not.

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3 years ago

Dodgy underwear and speedo choces aside, he’s a babe.

3 years ago

He can clean up my “pool” anytime. Hopefully he is not lazy then!

Brent A. Mercer
Brent A. Mercer
3 years ago

Absolutely gorgeous and would love to see him naked. Yes he could come clean my pool any day!

3 years ago

That chest is insanely sexy.

3 years ago

A very handsome and rugged man who I can imagine is a very take charge type in many situations. Forget the pool, isn’t there something else we could attend to?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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