I Want To Lick Cream From The Abs Of Francisco Rath

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Would you like to list all the things you would love to do to/with handsome and sexy young male model Francisco Rath? Feel free to let me know in the comments, I have a feeling this young hottie is going to inspire a lot of opinions ;)

Now, I know that these photos by photographer Jeff Segenreich are not exactly the most revealing images, but I think you guys will probably appreciate them anyway. He's a gorgeous young man, and he has a great body to go with that handsome face too.

He's a Brazilian boy, a sexy and fit young man who looks like he spends a lot of time playing sports. And now because I've said that you're probably picturing him shirtless with a bunch of other gorgeous young shirtless men kicking around a ball, right? I know you guys too well lol

That's something I would love to see too actually, even better would be following him and his buddies into the showers after...

Okay, I'm going to go now and leave you to bask in the beauty of his sexy torso. Let me know in the comments if you happen to know anything else about him, I think we're gonna have more of this sexy young man on here soon.

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9 years ago

i want to follow his hot treasure trail and help him produce the cum that will surely end up on his abs and in my mouth

9 years ago

Are there any ugly Brazilians? never seen one like Bigfoot
Not into Tats but I’m curious about his/ what a fuckin Beauty this guy is

9 years ago

Smoking Hot! I agree with 1tony165 what’s in the water in Brazil?

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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