I Want To Be At The Beach With Hunky Cory Myles

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Wow, guys, would you check out this gorgeous new hunk I've been drooling over far too much this morning. His name is Cory Myles and I know absolutely nothing else about him, because it appears he might be entirely new to the business.

He actually looks a little bit like another male model I recall from a couple of years back and I can't remember his name. If you know who I'm thinking of leave a comment below.

Although I know nothing about this handsome hunk I can tell you that these photos are by Paul Jamnicky. That's another name we haven't seen before on the blog so I think I might need to do a little digging later and see how many hotties he's brought to the world in some awesome images.

Aside from this handsome man being so deliciously tempting, I like the style of the shoot too. I know it's a little predictable and we see a lot of "beach" shots, but they are bright and fun and they do let us check out some hot bods too.

Enjoy his pics, and let me know in the comments if you can think of who he looks like. Share the post around too if you get the chance!

Have a great Sunday :)

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5 years ago

Paul J.’s work is featured in DNA Magazine quite often. And “Cory” is one of my favorite names for a guy…it just sounds like a jock’s name. This Cory suits it well.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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