I Want To Be At The Beach With Aaron Kuttler

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If I wasn't already in the mood for summer after that incredibly teasing shoot with handsome hunk Manuel Kornisiuk yesterday, I certainly am after checking out this collection of beach shots with big and burly dude Aaron Kuttler!

He's showing off some of the sexy gear from Aronik in this shoot, a brand I love to show off just because they really know how to present their wares in a way that really gets our attention :)

You have to admit that if you saw this handsome hunk strolling along the beach you wouldn't be able to take your eyes off him, right?

I'm quite surprised we haven't seen him on the blog before, but after a little searching it does seem that he might be relatively new to the business of modeling.

If so, I think we can expect to see a lot more of this all-American stud out there and on here in the future, and I'm definitely here for it.

Enjoy his powerful hotness, admire that big round butt, dream about seeing that handsome face close-up... let me know in the comments what you think of him. You want more, right?

Have a fab Wednesday!

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5 years ago

Oh. My. Goodness. Gracious!!!! Aaron is flawless. He even has a masculine, sexy name. Special thanks to Aronik for featuring him solo.

5 years ago

Now, THAT’S perfection.

5 years ago

I seldom find men who completely shaved their body to be sexy (especially when the treasure trail appeared to be absent as well), but he has an undeniably and beautifully proportioned body, especially that bionic bum!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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