We Might Have An Addiction To Hung Canadian Hunk Christopher Cote
Happy Wednesday guys, are you ready for a hung Canadian hunk?
I have a brand new hairy dude to share with you today, and if I know you as well as I think I do you're going to enjoy what hung Canadian hunk Christopher Cote is ready to deliver.
This handsome guy is totally new to us and I'm not sure why.
I think we can all agree we've been missing out.
But, at least we've found him, and there's a lot to enjoy!
I think he's been out there showing off his hairy jock body for a while but he's somehow managed to avoid our curious gaze up until now.
Well, now that we know he exists I think we might have to check out some more of him.
He's got a lot to show off, but I don't yet know if there are any cock shots out there in the wild. I would assume there has to be, he's willing to tease so seductively and show off that big beefy butt, so I'd guess there's going to be more.
I'm not sure how long he been doing this but I can imagine him being very popular, especially for underwear and swimwear brands.
You know what the deal is with that. Guys who can really fill some undies get a lot of repeat work :)
This hung Canadian hunk has a lot of dick to stuff into some briefs!
Enjoy him, hit the thumbs-up button, leave a comment, share the post. I'll see you back here tomorrow!

He probably knows that he’s a ten but I don’t care. I’m in lust.
We have GOT to get a better look at what’s contained in those wet undies in that last shot! That is as exquisite and awesome as the rest of him.
they are not wet.. just white.
My guess is that what we see in that last photo is NOT his full size erection, probably a “semi,” and his boner is probably a 10 incher. His long, muscled midsection resembles a swimmer’s, and even though I’m not a ass man, HIS is superb. Our college wrestling coach told one of his guys (famous for his big unit) to wear a specially designed jockstrap under his singlet during matches. It was probably a similar size to Mr. Cote’s. Imagine what it must be like to be pinned to a mat with a cock that big pressed onto your belly. Nice to see this fabulous looking fellow.
well your guess is your guess..google naked pics shows your guess much smaller..hash tag just saying.
I like him most with the beard.
@ Fowler: I think you’re right!
@ Conran: Can you post photos with wrestlers in their tight singlets? I like to look at wrestlers at YouTube!
I have been following him for quite a long time… have never seen a dick pic yet.
Chicken FUCK ME baaby —