I Think We Can All See Why Male Model Vitor Cavalcante Is Often Seen In Underwear
I used to work in marketing for a couple of companies, well I guess I still do really. One of the things I learned early on is that you often want to present the "aspirational" image to your audience, you want to show them how the product can help them.
When it comes to selling underwear you want to show men how they could look, even though they might not have what a male model has to fill up a pouch you want to show off that form the right way and give the impression that they can.
Given my addiction of various types of underwear in the past it certainly worked on me! lol
A little secret here... allegedly some underwear companies deliver smaller sizes for a model to wear so they look more full, without really "cheating" lol
One size for shots taken of the back, another smaller size for shots from the front.
It might technically be cheating, but is anyone really complaining?
I think it's clear that handsome Brazilian hunk Vitor Cavalcante has more than enough to appropriately show off these undies.
These pics arrived in my emails this afternoon and I couldn't wait to share them with you guys, mostly because I know you all like a good bulge!
So, check him out, enjoy, leave a comment and hit the thumbs-up button.
Have a lovely Saturday and see you back here tomorrow!

@Conran: Yes, I think we CAN, but I know we WANT him without any underwear!
WOW. He’s got the looks, the perfect fur, the perfect build, and he does those briefs great justice. Where can I find one just like him to have all to myself?
A truly beautiful young man. Very natural without being overbuilt in a gym. Beautiful skin and such soft looking fur.
To create a plump, rounded bulge that size
(in the white Armani briefs) must take a big pair of low-hangers. Fully hard, he must be quite a sight.
and why don’t we see how he is with underwear on” the dark side of the moon”?