I Think We All Wanted More Of Handsome Ukrainian Hunk Fedir Khashalov!

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If you didn't see the fantastical shoot featuring Fedir Khashalov on Thursday I recommend clicking here and checking that out.

That was an interesting collection of pics, but this time we're really getting the chance to focus on his incredible physique.

As I mentioned before, he's a bodybuilder and a personal trainer, so it's no wonder he has such an awesome body to show off here.

Guys in that line of work tend to be able to spend more of their day in the gym. Meanwhile I'm sitting on my ass for 8 hours a day lol

I'm in the wrong job.

The Ukrainian hunk is looking amazing for this unknown photographer but you can totally imagine that these might be stock images used by gyms and fitness companies all around the world in their marketing and promotion.

To be honest, seeing this handsome guy in an ad would probably increase my chances of buying protein powder ten fold! lol

Does that make me easy to manipulate? Maybe.

Enjoy him again and leave a comment below, share the post and hit the thumbs-up button. There might be more of this handsome hunk to share with you if you want it.

Have a great Saturday!

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3 years ago

This is the picture that you see when you search for the meaning of the word “man” in the dictionary. Full stop.

John Steven Lasher
John Steven Lasher
3 years ago

I pray for him and his brave countrymen. Long live Ukraine.

3 years ago

Total lie: this guy is a Russian, named Boris!!!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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