I Think We All Want More Revealing Pics Of Zaid Valladares

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Happy Wednesday! It's the middle of the working week already and usually I would be looking forward to what the weekend brings, but even though I could technically go to the pub on Friday I ain't ready for that yet. Instead I'm hoping for good weather and a few beers in the garden, again lol

I need to get some sun, like Zaid Valladares appears to have done.

How's that for a transition!? lol

This is the first time we've seen this handsome hunk on the blog and even though I think we're all gonna want more revealing photos of him I don't know anything about the guy, yet. Maybe he's a show off willing to get naked, maybe not. I guess we'll find out when I do some more digging later.

All I can tell you about him is that he's a male model and a fitness professional. No surprises there!

Obviously he's damn handsome, too. He has a great body in that sexy uniform and he seems to like being a tease. Photographer Blake Yelavich has captured him perfectly in this collection of photos.

If you can tell me whether the uniform is real and means anything I would appreciate it. He looks like one of those real sexy cops from Italy or France or something. You've all seen those photos of European cops looking like they belong at a hen party, right?

Enjoy him, leave a comment, hit that thumbs-up button, share the post!

Most importantly, have a lovely Wednesday.

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3 years ago

Considering the sexual abuse scandal surrounding the Boy Scouts I think this was a poor choice on the part of the photographer and model to showcase a naked adult in a scout uniform.

Jayson Sampson
Jayson Sampson
3 years ago

i am so erect

Robert Hensley
Robert Hensley
3 years ago

Poor choice with the Scout uniform. Hot or not, I could not focus on him because of that.

3 years ago

Suddenly I become fan of man in uniform and if it exists scandal in “youth’s movements” there are exceptions , and it exists no possibility to have a perfect world

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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