I Think I’m In Lust With Santiago Quintero

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Happy Saturday guys!

I have a brand new model for you guys to enjoy and I know all the fans of super fit young athletic guys are going to love him as much as I do.

His name is Santiago Quintero and he's not just a male model.

He's also an industrial engineer, which might explain the strange theme of this shoot by photographer Andres Ramirez.

I'm not gonna lie, when I saw the theme for this shoot I was first concerned about splinters, but then I wondered why he's posing with pieces of wood and exposed brickwork. I guess that's a subtle way to bring his career into the shoot?

Not that it matters, I suppose. He's a good looking guy with a very hot body and he definitely looks great in a colorful collection of underwear.

Can we all agree that we would love to be on a shoot where a model like this is getting changed in and out of underwear all the time?

And this is why I probably couldn't be a photographer in this business lol

Enjoy him, leave a comment and let me know what you think. Hit that thumbs-up button too!

Have a great Saturday :)

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2 years ago

The body is totally worth all your lustful impulses. But, the 16 year old face? Eh. Pass.

2 years ago

very nice model – i’m fan of pictures with fie underwears- and a picture has a star more those where he is posing with white slip “Hurmoso” wjth a smile when works are finished , I think so

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