I Think I Might Need More Of Model Orlando Delgado After This
Happy Thursday everyone! I hope you're doing okay this week. It's been a tough one, right? We all need a bit of a distraction every now and then and I'm quite well-known for being able to deliver that, so check out new guy Orlando Delgado and let me know what you think in the comments.
We've never seen this handsome young man before, but after enjoying this shoot by BodyProject this morning I think this might be the first time of many we enjoy his awesome physique.
I have had a peek at some other shoots with him, and I can tell you that while he looks extremely angelic in these beautiful photos he's actually a little more handsome without the makeup and lighting.
They've certainly presented him well, though. I think we would have appreciated this shoot without the self-censorship a little more, but we can't have everything. Perhaps those edited nude shots suggest that there are others out there where he's been fully on display?
Rest assured I'm going to spend some time this afternoon checking that. I'll let you know what I find :)
Enjoy him, leave a comment, hit that thumbs-up button and share the post too so your friends and followers get to enjoy him.
Have a good Thursday!

quelle belle peau sombre et nacrée, mais quel vilain trait de censure !