I Still Don’t Know If Double Denim Is Acceptable, But Dor Shtrauss Makes It Look Hot

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I once heard that wearing double denim is a fashion faux pas, but it seems to me that some guys can pull off that look. As I'm not a gorgeous cowboy on a ranch in rural Texas, or a pop star from the 1980s, I don't think I would be able to achieve it, even though model Dor Shtrauss makes it look hot in this shoot and he's neither of those things.

Photographer Eden Yerushalmy is the lucky man getting the chance to take some pics with this handsome stud in this sexy and seductive shoot and I can only think of one way this would be hotter.

As we've never seen Dor Shtrauss here at Gay Body Blog before I'm not familiar with the kind of modeling he does but I'm going to guess he's not appeared nude, yet. Maybe I'm wrong, perhaps a little searching will reveal some erotic shoots I'll feel the need to share with you all? For the time being I'm going to assume he hasn't done that even though it would be great.

Still, even though he's not naked, this handsome guy has a great body and seeing him looking so glistening hot in an open denim shirt, or without it entirely, is worth spending some time drooling over :)

Enjoy him, leave a comment below, hit the thumbs-up button and share the post with your friends and followers out there.

Most importantly, have a wonderful Thursday!

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3 years ago

Denim on denim is okay as long as the top and bottom is different enough colours or shades. In his case the difference is too slight so it looks a little off. Still, he’s hot af.

J.A. Fludd
3 years ago

Judging by his name, I assume he must be uncircumcised under those jeans. If only we could see…

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