I Really Can’t Get Enough Of Gorgeous Aussie Matt Saccuzzo

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If you didn't see the first post from this shoot on Friday I recommend clicking her and checking that out.

We've seen Matt Saccuzzo twice now and although the first time was just a random mix of sexy pics this time he's been posing for photographer Elvis DiFazio and showing off some sexy gear for the Teamm8 brand.

He really suits this style, in my opinion.

I think we need to talk about the fact that he looks like a golden god in these pics.

He's an Australian model, and in my experience a lot of Aussie guys tend to be ripped and extremely tanned. I guess this is what you look like when you live in Sydney with the beaches right there.

And, I could be wrong, but I think he's into dudes.

I was checking out his socials and either he's just a great ally and has gorgeous friends or that rainbow umbrella means something lol

Not that it matters, of course. I guess it's just nice to know there's a gorgeous Aussie model like him out there and playing for our team :)

Enjoy, leave a comment and hit the thumbs up button. Most importantly, have a great Sunday! I'll see you back here tomorrow for more.

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graham louw
graham louw
3 years ago

what a stunning guy lovely tanned body and no tatoos

3 years ago

Beautiful man.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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