I Love Handsome Boys Like Simone Feri

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Simone Feri is new to me, but I'm hoping that we'll get to see a lot more of this handsome young man in the future. I just found this shoot by Ryan Del Espiritu Santo and I was immediately struck by how naturally good looking the young man is, and how he's not your "typical" male model type.

I don't know if this is going to make sense, but in my opinion this handsome young man doesn't look like the typical male model you would expect to be popular, he looks to me like the kind of gorgeous guy you might see at the local coffee place and just spend the rest of the day dreaming about.

Maybe that's what I mean - he's not "stunning", he's just GORGEOUS in a nonspecific way. He could be the boy down the street you pass on your way to work, or the guy asking you if you want fries with that, or the dude coming to your door to sell you encyclopedias.

He doesn't look like the obvious choice for a model scout, but I am so glad someone picked him out of a crowd and got him started. He's so sexy even though I can't pick out the precise reasons why, he has a completely natural attractiveness about him that doesn't seem to be manufactured for the "business".

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Henry James
Henry James
10 years ago

Do not understand why such good-looking men like him ink their chiselled bodies with ugly, nasty tats. Can someone tell me that?

Reply to  Henry James
10 years ago

Because not everyone thinks they’re “ugly” or “nasty”.

Reply to  Jared
10 years ago

I find tats sexy. The bigger the better. I dated a guy who had full angel wings on his shoulders that no one would ever see unless in the bedroom. He was a hot guy (and sweet).

10 years ago

I don’t understand it either, Henry. I think some people actually hate their bodies and try to change them. Some people just do not like themselves. Saying that, most of them do it because “that’s what you do”. The answer to the question of “why do you do that?” is “because that’s what you do”. The answer of a follower, not of a leader.

Reply to  billygardener19
10 years ago

Funny, all the guys I know with ink have meanings behind theirs. I have never met a man with tattoo’s who ever said it’s “just what you do”.

Tattooing is an art form, a means of expression, it’s really no different to the way you choose to cut your hair or the styles of clothes you wear.

Why do you choose the clothes you own? Is it because they express your individuality, or do you choose to buy brand names because that’s what “everyone else is wearing”?

Reply to  Jared
10 years ago

I choose clothes that do not offend and make me feel comfortable. They are not meant to express ANYTHING. If I want to express myself, I can write a book, create a painting, give a piano recital or sing in a choir. I do not have to self-mutilate for this purpose.

Those in First World countries who ink — who do anything this provocative — are basically saying, “I don’t give a fuck about anybody but myself. I am the star this show called my life. The world orbits around me because I am a fucking God. Get used to it.”

And, why such self desteructive behavior? Such people have extremely low self esteem and this the way they choose to cope. It’s a vein attempt to intimidate the people from saying the emperor has no clothes. Hopefully, most of the civilized, literate, God fearing world — very comfortable in its own clean skin — knows better.

And, we we pray God forgives. And, we move on to clean up the messes left by these folks — violent crime, broken marriages, fatherless children, take your pick.

10 years ago

See, Jared, that’s where you misread it, bud. Nobody is going to tell you that that’s what you do. Everyone that does something comes up with a reason for it. Even most murders give reasons for what they did. If all the good people were putting bones in their noses, because everyone else was doing it, they wouldn’t tell you that. They’d give you a reason like “this is in honor of my mother” or, “it reminds me of my first-born”. After the fact. People follow trends, my friend, and someday, if the trend is to have pointy ears, lots of people will get the surgery and tell people that it’s in honor of Spock, but never that it’s just what everyone else is doing.

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