I Have More Of Hunky Dominic Calvani For You

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You can thank me in the comments, I'll allow it :)

Yes, of course we needed to see more of gorgeous muscled hunk Dominic Calvani. We've only seen him three times in the last three years and that could never be enough to satisfy, not when it comes to a gorgeous man such as this.

I still don't know a whole lot about him other than the fact that he apparently refers to himself as "Daddy Dom".

I'll let you make of that what you will, but I think many of us are drawing something from that.

We know nothing about his personality beyond what he puts out there, but from what I've seen he enjoys the sexual attention he gets. And we can all understand why. If I looked like this man I would be showing off bits of myself every day lol

I don't think he's done the fully naked thing yet but maybe I'm just not looking in the right places. I think I probably need to spend a good amount of time searching and looking through everything he's been doing since we first saw him in 2019.

Enjoy these pics, leave a comment, hit the thumbs-up button, and have a great Thursday too!

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3 years ago

Like that cheeky bulge (last pic).

J.A. Fludd
3 years ago

As for “showing off bits of oneself every day,” I wish Dominic Calvani would just show off his bits.

3 years ago

There’s nothing quite as sexy as a well built hunk shirtless in a pair of well fitting jeans.

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