I Found Pics Of Damn Fine Jacob Burton Naked!

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Of course you knew that I would be spending too much time yesterday looking for more photos of gorgeous male model Jacob Burton after that first post.

You'll be glad to know that this handsome stud isn't just a tease, he's a very sexy man who isn't scared of revealing all for the right photographer.

Some of these pics are a follow-on from the shoot yesterday by Michael Dar, but the more raw photos are by the awesome Joe Lally, someone we've enjoyed work from a few times in the past.

I have to admit that I like those shoots where it seems they're just hanging out and things get a little crazy, that's how I would like to be if I were taking photos of such gorgeous men.

Can you imagine just hanging out and having a drink with this sexy man and taking photos like these?

I mean, I kinda like my job, but how to I get into that? lol

Enjoy him, admire that naked body, leave a comment, hit the thumbs-up button, and have a great Wednesday! :)

Now, I think I might have to go looking for more of this guy. Let's hope there's at least one more shoot with him showing everything off.

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5 years ago

Thank you, Santa.

5 years ago

Thank you

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