I Didn’t Think Gorgeous Marlon Teixeira Could Ever Appear In A Bad Shoot
I admit, I wasn't sure if I should add these photos on the blog because they're just so bland and uninspired, but then again it is Marlon Teixeira and I think any opportunity to see him in his underwear should probably be wholeheartedly embraced.
Obviously any criticism I might want to show to H&M for this monstrously bland shoot is potentially unfair, because it's clearly a basic catalog shoot. But then again you have to wonder why they would bring in someone like Marlon for such a shoot to begin with.
They could have just used a random guy off the street for this shoot, couldn't they?
In my opinion, when you have a guy like Marlon showing off your gear you do it properly, with a great photographer and a great location, or at least in surroundings more interesting than a blank white studio with the same pose over and over and over again.
I feel bad for him in this one I have to say, imagine being such a major name in the male modeling business, and going from a beautiful set making gorgeous photos to standing there like a mannequin in a soulless shoot like this one!
Bad form H&M!