I Could Gaze Into Those Eyes For Days!

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Guys, check out the gorgeous Adam P. That's all I know about him, other than the fact that he's so gorgeous I feel almost captivated by those eyes and that stunning body. Photographer Lucas Ferrier has snapped the handsome and slightly hairy hunk in nothing but his underwear, and naked too (while being such a damn tease in the process) and it's led to a great black and white shoot that I think you're all going to appreciate as much as I have been this afternoon. He's buff, studly, a little rugged and showing off his sexy bulge too, but it's those eyes that really have my attention. Admittedly we don't know anything about the guy so we could just assume that this is image manipulation or lighting, but I somehow doubt it. His eyes are almost glowing in some of these photos and I don't think that's at all faked. I would love to see some color images of his guy, so if you happen to know anything more about him I trust you'll leave a comment and share with the rest of the group :) Now, if you don't mind, I think I need to go and have lay down in quiet and think about this gorgeous man and his sexy eyes a little more. Have a great evening!

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9 years ago

Like the actor Chris Pine’s eyes.. They’re so strking they put it B&W

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