I Bet You Never Thought Antibacterial Underwear Could Be Sexy

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Yes, you read that right, there's a new line of Antibacterial underwear being produced by Modus Vivendi, and aside from showing some love for models Eduardo Fedriani and Julián Goméz in this shoot by the extremely talented Joan Crisol I really need to talk about the whole notion of the underwear. I'm gonna say this right of the bat - if you need Antibacterial underwear you have a problem that goes far beyond your choice of undergarments. I really don't understand the point of this, so maybe someone here can enlighten me in the comments. From what I've seen their advertising talks about freshness... if you wash every day there shouldn't be a problem here. Maybe Modus Vivendi should just bring out a line of toiletries instead? lol Anyway, I love this shoot even if I don't understand why any man would need Antibacterial underwear. In fact, if a guy I was seeing was wearing these I would probably be out of there pretty quickly, wondering why exactly he feels the need for them. Whatever though, the guys are so sexy and the images are pretty interesting, it's worth sharing with you guys even if I don't understand why we need this in our lives. i-bet-you-never-thought-antibacterial-underwear-could-be-sexy-1 i-bet-you-never-thought-antibacterial-underwear-could-be-sexy-2 i-bet-you-never-thought-antibacterial-underwear-could-be-sexy-3 i-bet-you-never-thought-antibacterial-underwear-could-be-sexy-4 i-bet-you-never-thought-antibacterial-underwear-could-be-sexy-5 i-bet-you-never-thought-antibacterial-underwear-could-be-sexy-6 i-bet-you-never-thought-antibacterial-underwear-could-be-sexy-7 i-bet-you-never-thought-antibacterial-underwear-could-be-sexy-8 i-bet-you-never-thought-antibacterial-underwear-could-be-sexy-9 i-bet-you-never-thought-antibacterial-underwear-could-be-sexy-10

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8 years ago

Simply stunning!

8 years ago

Truly UNIQUE shots …at least not just the usual undies pics 🙂

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