Hunky Thomas Patrick For Modus Vivendi

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I have something a little different for you guys with this post, and I hope some of you will appreciate it the way I have. Although the hunk appearing is certainly sexy, it's as much about the style of the shoot by Modus Vivendi.

The Modus Vivendi brand is one that we've shared on the blog a few times in the past, mainly because they always seem to shoot some hot guys in some very sexy poses and some equally sexy gear too. Although this is perhaps a little more creative and arty than usual, I think it still deserves to be shared with you guys.

Thomas Patrick is the model appearing in their new line of Italian Velvet clothing, and although it might seem like a slightly strange mix, it's interesting nonetheless.

Photographed by Dimitris Skoulos, they've given something soft and sometimes feminine a real masculine edge, with a military feel to it.

Here's a little of what they've said about this collection - "Designer Christos Bibitsos has created some extremely masculine clothing in khaki, black and grey, featuring unique, creative details - a trademark of Modus Vivendi."

Is it really masculine, other than how they've presented it? I don't know, what do you guys think?

Personally, I would have loved more sexy shots of Thomas Patrick in this collection, I think they've missed a trick covering him up as much as they have.

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11 years ago

So masculine!!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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