Hunky Greek Model And Artist Steve Raider
It took a little translation and work to find out more about this hunky and beefy specimen of masculinity, so forgive me if I have anything at all wrong about this guy. I think what I have discovered is right though.
His name is Steve Raider, and he's been photographed in this shoot by Vagelis Valeodis for Modus Vivendi.
As I understand it, this Greek hunk is half Canadian, and he has a passion for painting. He's especially interested in creating images of masculinity and men in battle, and I guess that has something to do with his "Homoerotic" Greek roots.
Come on, we all know that there is a whole lot of man on man action still going on in Greece outside of the mainstream, just as it has throughout history. The Greeks have a strange relationship with male sexuality, and although it's not often out in the open like it once was there's a lot to appreciate about the culture in that regard.
This hunky man is a great example of Greek gorgeousness and butchness too. I have to admit that he does something for me, I would love to know more about this hairy and hunky dude!
He certainly fills those undies!!
He’s fuckin hot
We must have a very different understanding of what “hairy” means, Mr. Blogger.
I spend at least 20 hours a week working out in my local gyms, and if I saw anyone who looked remotely like this guy, I would be staring in lust all the time and completely forget why I was there in the first place. Not very productive. And, I hate hairy men! If you want “hairy”, come to Orange County, California. It seems we have a monopoly on the Cro-Magnon types. As a result, I have absolutely no problem getting my work out done and leaving as soon as possible.
To each his own.
[…] last time we saw a shoot from photographer Vagelis Valeodis was WAAAAY back in 2014! I’m not sure why it’s taken so damn long for me to discover his work again but I think […]
He is exactly my type: compact muscularity, on the short side, thick, solid, wearing a jock packing a big unit. I spent one night with a guy built nearly like this – was in recovery mode for days afterward. His thighs are the perfect showcase for his bulging strap – it’s contents must be a feast!
Steve Raider is the man!!! I wish I was naked with him right now! If anyone knows him, please tell him I want to meet him.