Hunky, Freckled, Red-headed Ron!

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You know what they say about redheads, and in my experience it's true, they can be a little bit wild in the bedroom. That's exactly what I was thinking about when I saw these pics of handsome and hunky Ron.

I have to have a little bit of a bitch about something here, again... we only know his name is Ron, we know nothing else about the guy, and that annoys me. I want to see every shoot this guy has ever been in, but without a little more info that's gonna be nearly impossible.

The shoot is by Alon Feller, and although we've seen some of his work before I think I'm gonna spend a little time today looking for more, maybe I'll dig up some more on this guy?

No doubt about it he's a hottie. I love the freckles and the fur on his chest and abs. I don't really want to say I have a preferred pic in this shoot, but that one shot with something white and creamy running down his chest is so sexually suggestive I think I'd have to pick that one :)

Let me know in the comments what you guys think, and if you know anything else about the guy you'd better share it! lol

Have a fantastic Friday, and I'll see you back here tomorrow for some porn!

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5 years ago

Super cute!!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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