Hung Top JJ Knight Gives Muscle Jock Landon Mycles Some Special Treatment

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You see, this is one of the reasons I would never have been able to get into a career as a Doctor. Can you imagine having to maintain professionalism when faced with the constant nudity of muscled hunks like Landon Mycles? Dr. JJ Knight is the same kind of man, but somehow he managed to get into the profession, and manages to maintain it while getting his rocks off with patients like Landon, too. It's the latest video from Hot House, and it's great. Hung top JJ is playing the part of the horny doc who just can't resist giving Landon some very special treatments, starting with a massage but soon moving on to some very intense anal exploration. I don't know how that's supposed to help with muscle strain, but the doctor knows best! With that jock bottom adequately lubricated with spit JJ reveals his own meaty injection system, hauling out his impressive cock, which Landon quickly sucks. Of course, you know where this is all leading, and you won't be at all surprised to see our hung top sinking his immense dick into that rimmed out ass for some excellent fucking. It's a theme we've seen plenty of times before, no doubt about that, but it's great to see these two fine specimens of hunkiness together in a hardcore gay porn video from this studio. Enjoy some of the pics and click through for the video. Have a great Thursday :)

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4 months ago

Mycles, aka Marcus Mojo, is one hot gay porn star dude with an average sized boner. Perfectly designed body, very expressive face when he’s climaxing.

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