Hung Stud Tony Genius Visits The DMV

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We love seeing a hung stud getting his nut pumping, even when it's at the DMV.

As you probably know by now, I'm not American. Even though I've never had cause to visit the DMV I've seen enough references in popular culture to know it's a soulless place no one wants to be.

Even the employees hate being there.

Unless, of course, you're Shamu Azizam and Tony Genius walks in as your last customer of the day.

He might hate his job but he sure does like some of his visitors, a little too much!

While taking some pics of his sexy customer he somehow manages to convince Tony to take off his shirt, and things just get hotter from there.

In no time Shamu is breaking all the rules, sucking on the hung stud's glorious meat, enjoying some rimming over the counter and finally accepting that raw length of dark dick deep between his beefy cheeks.

I don't want to spoil the loathsome reputation the DMV has among you Americans, but if this was the kind of service you got there I think guys wouldn't be so pissed about having to visit lol

Would you enjoy going to the DMV if you had the chance to shoot your load over the face of a dude like Shamu?

Check out some pics and click here to see this hung stud in action in "License to Thrill" at

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2 months ago

Those guys are so hot! Itwasfungay

2 months ago

Fucking hot

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