Hung Straight Guy Ricky Is One Of My Faves

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So after the down time over the weekend I thought I would reward you all for your patience with something a little special for this nude post, I'm even adding the video at the bottom for you in this one too, aren't I lovely!? I'm never sure what category to put these posts in but I'm going with nude for this one even though this hung straight guy is getting his big uncut cock out and wanking out a load for the guys. This is Ricky, but then you probably know that already. He's a handsome and buff man who seems to be forever horny and always willing to get his dick out and show it off. Then again, if you had a big uncut cock like that you would probably want to show it off too, right? lol The theme for this one is a little interesting, although I think it would probably be better without it and just being a solo, still we can't have everything and I appreciate that the guys at Maskurbate are trying new things. The story for this is that Ricky thought he was just being photographed from behind the screen by Pascal, but in really he'd invited some friends over to watch the live jerk off show. Of course that's not actually true, but is the fantasy hot? For me it's all about the handsome and hung straight guy enjoying his own dick and getting a load out, and I think that's what you guys are going to be more interested in too. Enjoy the show!                  

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